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Joined: May 21, 2006
Posts: 1
Sun May 21, 2006 6:33 am |
1. What is your name, lvl and class.
My characters name is Shiori. She is a lvl 60 rogue.
2.What is your age?
I am 20 years old
3.What guilds have you been in ,in the past and why did you leave?
I was in a guild named New Horizens. I really liked that guild but my friend got into Unknown Entity and wanted me to join that guild as well. I am now in Unknown Entity and am very unhappy with the current guild policies ( there is no mc or ony until we down nef) and the guild leader is not a very good one... I want to leave because I am afraid that UE is going to turn into a ninja guild.
4. Do you have any friends in Scalebane and if so who?
My friend Bena/ Chibiusa is in Scalebane right now. Also i have recentley met a priest named Myther who is also in Scalebane.
5. Are you willing to be on vent and install a couple of UI mods?
Yes of course =)
6. Are you willing to raid lait?
7. What do you enjoy most about this game?
I love talking to people. Its fun to raid and its fun to do instances but my favorite thing is meeting new people and talking to them
8. What made you want to apply to Scalebane?
Well I have a really good friend in there and he suggested it. He used to be in Unknown Entity with me so he knows the stuff tha happens in our guild. I am very unhappy in my current guild but am afraid to leave it because of being a rogue. So he said to apply here and so here I am =)
9. Are there any situations in the past that may affect your rreputation that you would like to explain?
Not that i know of.. I really try to be nice to everybody else and i do my best in runs and raids.
10. About me...
Well in real life I am a 20 year old girl. WoW is my first MMO ever and I really love it. I also enjoy anime and DDR. And I play console games as well ( motly RPGs). Music wise I listen to almost every type of music from rock to trance/techno to country. I am from Texas and never lived out of state. ....... hmmm not sure what else to put except for please consider my application . =)
Ty for reading |

Joined: Sep 26, 2005
Posts: 4579
Sun May 21, 2006 9:36 am |
Thanks for applying Shiori. Your application is under review. |

Joined: May 08, 2006
Posts: 45
Sun May 21, 2006 4:55 pm |
Shi is a great player and a even better person. I have raided with her and chatted via vent. Very mature and wonderful personaility. She, like me and Oray were also tired of UE's under-handedness and seek a honorable guild that treat thier members with respect. Scalebane came to mind.
Shiori would make a wonderful addition to this guild. |

Joined: Sep 26, 2005
Posts: 4579
Mon May 22, 2006 4:02 am |
Recruitment denied. Sorry Shiori & Chibi. This class is closed until we see a decline in the number of active Rogues we have in the guild. If we need a Rogue, I'll definitely keep you in mind & get back to you though. Please PM me on the forum or in game if you have any questions regarding the application. |