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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:18 am Reply with quote

1. What is the name of your main as well as level and class? At current the character's I have interest in raiding with are Demon Hunter, or Hunter. My hunter';s name is Xythella, and she's a level 100 hunter with a hilariously bad iLevel.

2. What is your age? 28

3. What guilds have you been with in the past, and why did you leave them? Please provide as much detail as necessary.

I have been in 3 guilds in my WoW play history.
Da Kine - Lethon - Horde from Burning Crusade until the end of WOTLK. I originally joined the guild due to a friend of mine who played in the guild as a hunter. I started off as a Shaman with them originally, but due to their poor state at the time, ended up going hunter and never looking back. I raided with them from the launch of Zul'Aman, until late TOTGC. Left the guild officially during IceCrown, which I was very sad to not participate in. At the time I left, my friend was my class lead, and me and him had a falling out, leading to me being benched.

My Second guild was a friend's guild that consisted of my social group, and their social group. The guild fell apart during the long lapse that was Dragon Soul, and even during Cata, Spinebreaker was the deadest of dead servers so keeping the guild alive as GM was impossible.

My most recent guild, Red Devils, I was not with them long due to basically false advertising with my most recent job. I had joined RD for WOD as the community sounded good, and WoD sounded like a return to form after MoP (Didn't care for the Asian inspired aesthetic/flavor/feel). Was with them through highmaul and into Black Rock Foundry. I was consistently a high performer, and should be able to find logs from the time through WoW-Progress. I only really left due to work obligations. I was told upon hiring that I would be done within my raid times, and could set my own schedule. Turned out afterwards my own schedule was them expecting me to work every day from 8-7, and my life being made a hell if I didn't. Due to me living in PST land, and the guild being EST, I could not reliably make the raids, and I eventually let my sub lapse. I should have personal and raid references from the guild however for performance.

4. Do you have any friends currently in Scalebane? If so, who & how do you know them? (Family, real life friend, etc.). No I do not, though I had a nice long chat with Kyonko who directed me here.

5. What best describes you now that you're level 100 (or once you are 100)? Well, I am playing a hunter largely because I love the rarespawn hunts. I also participate in rare mount hunting, and currently have over half the rarespawn mounts from WoD since returning. As well as TLPD, and a few other rare mounts. The challenge of the hunt so to speak. Ontop of that is the obvious gold farming/transmog hunting.

I am aware that on this character, I haven't even started the ring questline, So I have no ambitions towards raiding on this character. I do however have interest in raiding come legion.

6. Are you interested in guild raiding content? If so, what are your preferred roles? I love tanking, but don't enjoy DPS on most tanking capable classes, and near as I understand, your tanking core is exceptionally solid. As such, I have interest in Either Hunter raiding or Demon Hunter raiding. (And no, not shiny syndrome. I have and always have had 0 interest in Monk play even when they were new. Razz)

7. What role do you wish to perform while raiding? (Healer, Tank, DPS). Are you able to perform other roles if needed?

Depending on my class, as hunter I can DPS and that's it. If Demon Hunter, Yes, I would 100% have interest in backup tanking.

8. Can you give us a brief summary of what your armor & weapons are like or provide a link to your armory page?


And yes, I am aware how poorly stat'd that weapon is for me. However, given that my current interests extend as far as doing older content, it's serviceable for me for the short term. Smile

9. Can you describe what raiding experience you have? Are you familiar with current content?

I started raiding with Hyjal as the B-Team on a server first guild, Da Kine on Lethon. I raided with them from Hyjal onwards, until TOTGC. Raided Firelands with them, and a friends & family guild for Dragon soul. Raided WoD with Red Devils on the Gorefiend servergroup.

10. What made you want to apply to Scalebane? Was looking for a raiding guild that had appropriate raid times. This guild fits the guidelines for what time frame I am looking for for raid times. After talking with Kyonko however, if the guild's as laid back and friendly as him, I think the guild would be a great match for what I am looking for.

11. Do you have any friends or family that will apply to Scalebane if you are recruited? Unlikely. My friends mostly raid on horde on other servers. Though I have brought in qualified raiders to most guilds I've been on in the past, so never say never. Smile

12. Are you currently applying to other guilds? Nope. I am in Celestial Reign at current due to having met them during the WoD prelaunch when I was interviewing guilds. They had some friendly people, and my hunter was not the character I was playing at the the time for raiding, so she stayed in the guild when my lapse occurred. I would check in from time to time to chat with a few people, but I wasn't ever really part of the guild persay.

13. Are there any situations in the past that may affect your reputation that you would like to explain? Nope. I have references from every guild I've ever raided with for performance reviews. Can provide Bnet accounts if desired.

14. Are you the only one who plays your character? I do not share my account in any fashion, and it is autheticator'd.

15. Finally, tell us a little about yourself. We're first and foremost a guild about people, People > Loot.

Well, I'm Canadian, married, 28, and have a 1 year old with another due in June. I work as the manager of a Motel, so I often have a lot of random free time on the PC / doing other things. I'm not very interested in gear to be honest outside of what it allows me to do, (Though, I REALLY wanted Blackhands hammer for Transmog Razz) and largely raid for the challenge/research. For me, the biggest, and funnest part of raiding is the researching of the content, and seeing the theory put into practice. I also ramble a lot as I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN you have noticed. Although I have done the hardcore, 4-5 days a night, 4-5 hours a day raiding system, and know what goes into it, I am not the type of person who care about that hardcore environment. I mostly look for people who get along, have fun, and care about the guild/people involved. I have done guild leading, raid leading, recruitment, tutoring and various other roles in my tenure as a player. I have a physical library of 150+ books, and love to read. And, WoW aside, I am a giant nerd into things such as D&D.

Hopefully I didn't bore anyone and if you got through the entire thing, Lemme know. Razz
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Joined: Mar 17, 2005
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Location: Baltimore, MD

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:49 am Reply with quote

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