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Scalebane - An Alliance Guild on Eredar: Forums

Scalebane - A WoW Alliance Guild on Eredar :: View topic - Happypantsy Application

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Joined: Jun 25, 2015
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:26 am Reply with quote

1. What is the name of your main as well as level and class?
Happypantsy-Spinebreaker, 100 mage. (Main)
Valtenas-Spinebreaker, 100 monk.
Xandrion-Spinebreaker, 100 rogue.

2. What is your age?

3. What guilds have you been with in the past, and why did you leave them? Please provide as much detail as necessary.
Knights of the Old: General disagreements with the speed of progression and the officers repeatedly being late to raids and a generally negative attitude during raiding.
Ashes of Gorefiend: Was required to stop raiding due to school pressure and upon returning, found out the entire guild stopped raiding.

4. Do you have any friends currently in Scalebane? If so, who & how do you know them? (Family, real life friend, etc.)
I don't currently have any friends in Scalebane.

5. What best describes you now that you're level 100 (or once you are 100)?
B. I like to raid mostly, & I pvp on the side (or not at all).

6. Are you interested in guild raiding content? If so, what are your preferred roles?
I would like to raid in a guild environment and I prefer damage but am able to heal if that is necessary. I can heal on my monk and will work on whatever class is needed for the content we are currently at.

7. What role do you wish to perform while raiding? (Healer, Tank, DPS). Are you able to perform other roles if needed?
I prefer dps but can heal as well. Would prefer not to tank.

8. Can you give us a brief summary of what your armor & weapons are like or provide a link to your armory page?

9. Can you describe what raiding experience you have? Are you familiar with current content?
I have raided all the way through Heroic Blackrock and Highmaul as well as a few mythic bosses in Highmaul. I have also read and studied up on the fights in Hellfire Citadel.

10. What made you want to apply to Scalebane?
I am looking for a raiding guild on our server and this is one that has an attitude more fitting to how I would like to raid.

11. Do you have any friends or family that will apply to Scalebane if you are recruited?

12. Are you currently applying to other guilds?
This is my only application at the moment.

13. Are there any situations in the past that may affect your reputation that you would like to explain?
I'm not sure but I could explain if there are any that come up.

14. Are you the only one who plays your character?

15. Finally, tell us a little about yourself. We're first and foremost a guild about people, People > Loot.
I'm a 19 year old college student, currently majoring in Computer Science. I have played this game for over half my life and its a part of who I am and I really want to share this game with other people and it's been hard to find other people that I can really connect to via this game. Part of the game that I love the most is the feeling of working with others towards a goal. Raiding is about work and effort put in by everybody to progress forward and put their skills to the test in different areas like studying, reflexes, and attention. I enjoy putting work into something and seeing it grow and become something completely organized. I relate this to my own character as well as the structure of a raid group.

I'm a pretty introverted person however and I would much rather go with the flow then attempt to change everything. I can be passive-aggressive and I understand that as one of my flaws and am always trying to be careful of other's emotions. Being a considerate person, to me, means to understand others' situations and how to best handle a situation.

Thank you for considering my application, Joe.
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Druid Class Leader
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Joined: Apr 02, 2008
Posts: 1131
Location: Washingtoooooon

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:09 pm Reply with quote

Hey, Happy (or should I call you Joe? Pantsy?)

Your app looks great. I really appreciate the detail you put into it and that you seem to be really truthful.

I'd like to accept your application for the guild, but I wanted to let you know that, while we are a well progressed guild, our approach to raiding is fairly casual.

We enforce ilvl requirements, required top gems/enchants, and flasks, but we do not exclude people based on their performance. Our raid leader and core group (except those with schedule conflicts) always arrive on time and prepared for the raid. We do not yell at people for standing in fire (we politely remind the group of the mechanics).

Our guild raids tend to be a haven for "retired" hardcore raiders. While we work hard together towards a goal, we do so as a group of friends and ensure no one gets left behind.

I am not sure if you are looking for a more hardcore approach. Certainly, you would not ever be chewed out for missing a raid or even arriving late due to conflicts with your studies.

As for your passive-aggressiveness, I would also like to note that Scalebane is a drama-free guild. We're all a bunch of jerks that give each other shit, but actual drama is not appreciated or tolerated. I don't foresee this being a problem, but I wanted to let you know.

If you would still like to join us, send myself, Tullen or Releih a message next time you're online.

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