Hi i am sure you all have many rogues all ready and more applieing but i see u all around a fair amount and u seem pretty badass. I often see alot of u in BGs and that is great cause it makes the guild have a balance of PVP and Raiding. I am applieing because i need more raid experiance and better gear. I am perfectly fine with not getten any loot on my first few runs in instance. I spoke with rendd bout recruitment last night and he told me to come here. I would love to join yall and if not its all good. Im on a little almost everyday and usually for awhile so i can make almost any raid.
jack Guest
Sat May 27, 2006 7:28 pm
Lol im so dumb my mains name is "Jackkrauser"
jack Guest
Sat May 27, 2006 9:11 pm
Hehe knew there had to be something i left out still.
====Guild Application====
1) What is the name of your main as well as level and class?
Jackkrauser 60 Rogue
2) What is your age?
3) What guilds have you been with in the past, and why did you leave them, please provide as much detail as necessary.
NCW,they recruited some very immature people and i couldnt deal with it.HoF guild didnt really do much other than sit around and talk and the raids on weekdays (back when i was in school and couldnt make em)
4) Do you have any friends currently in Scalebane, and if so, who?
5) Are you willing to install Ventrilo, as all our raid instructions are given vocally (No Mic required at this time) As well as a couple UI Mods
required for raiding? (CT_Raid, etc.)
Got Vent and CT_Raid already
6) Are you willing to raid late at night? (11PM EST - 3AM EST)
lol thats the best time
7) What do you enjoy most about playing the game? There is no right answer here, so don''t sweat it =)
PVP especially against wars...cant pass up a class that just sits there and takes it like a beast. love ya guys
What made you want to apply to Scalebane?
yall seem like u kick some ass
9) Are there any situations in the past that may affect your reputation that you would like to explain?
When i went to help a RL friend in Mara.(i was like lv 54) i foguth a 60 rogue with perds/CHT combo...she drank a potion and BARELY killed me..2 ppl in group started talking crap to me the WHOLE RAID...so i took ( ninjad if u must) these pants from the hunter and told the two to watch thier mouths...i havent done a thing since.)
10) Finally, tell us a little about yourself. We''re first and foremost a guild about people, People > Loot. =)
um..intense pvp (might take it a little TOO seriously lol) and love to go new places...like first time i downed rags was amazing. I play alot and am on late at night often.
Calisa Veteran
Joined: Sep 26, 2005
Posts: 4579
Sun May 28, 2006 12:59 am
Recruitment denied. Sorry Jackkrauser. This class is closed until we see a decline in the number of active Rogues we have in the guild. If we need a Rogue, I'll keep you in mind & get back to you though. Please PM me on the forum or in game if you have any questions regarding the application.
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