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Scalebane - An Alliance Guild on Eredar: Forums

Scalebane - A WoW Alliance Guild on Eredar :: View topic - Handlbarz - Shaman / Bransurfer - Hunter application

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Joined: Jul 28, 2016
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:13 pm Reply with quote

1. What is the name of your main as well as level and class?
Handlbarz - 100 Shaman (Enhance)

2. What is your age?
39 Is there a age requirement? lol

3. What guilds have you been with in the past, and why did you leave them? Please provide as much detail as necessary.
whew, hmm.. Northern Commonwealth? a lonnnng time ago is only one I remember from back in 2004-2006 time frame? I left them to focus on PVP and made two seperate guilds back then named: Slapahoe Tribe and J U D G E.

4. Do you have any friends currently in Scalebane? If so, who & how do you know them? (Family, real life friend, etc.)

5. What best describes you now that you're level 100 (or once you are 100)?
A. I like to socialize, mess around, or whatever I'm in the mood for that day.
B. I like to raid.
C. I like to pvp.
E. Whatever looks fun lol.

6. Are you interested in guild raiding content? If so, what are your preferred roles?
I do love healing but with the new stuff they did to my toon I've no clue and it's been a REAL long time since I've really tried I mostly do DPS now. and DPS was great till they again messed with my abilities. So now relearning hopefully I'll be able to get back into healing again.

7. What role do you wish to perform while raiding? (Healer, Tank, DPS). Are you able to perform other roles if needed?
DPS and Heal (refer to question above.)

8. Can you give us a brief summary of what your armor & weapons are like or provide a link to your armory page?
They are roughly atm only at 654 ilvl, but here is a link anyways. Won't be impressed lol Smile http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/eredar/Handlbarz/simple

9. Can you describe what raiding experience you have? Are you familiar with current content?
To answer what exp not specifying just WoW, I've done a huge amount of leading and just doing a raid in SWTOR.. but I did do raids back in vanilla Ony and Molten Core etc.. but that was again a long time ago. Not familiar with anything new after Vanilla raids.

10. What made you want to apply to Scalebane?
Its a Eredar guild. I've not found anybody from Eredar online since last night I met with Tullen, and I asked if there was room for me to join and he said to apply here. I'm bored, and want to start having fun again.

11. Do you have any friends or family that will apply to Scalebane if you are recruited?
Joshmoe is my gf we'll be playing side by side most days. Smile) That is if we both get recruited. Smile

12. Are you currently applying to other guilds?

13. Are there any situations in the past that may affect your reputation that you would like to explain?
lol, no, pretty sure no one would remember me when I used to play on my Rogue in pvp, which I don't play anymore.

14. Are you the only one who plays your character?

15. Finally, tell us a little about yourself. We're first and foremost a guild about people, People > Loot.
Been playing MMO RPG's since Ultima Online, played many games similar ever since, like RIFT, Star Wars The Old Republic, Runes of Magic, Final Fantasy, and Shaiya. I've done PvP and PvE for all the games, I've participated in them and lead them. I started playing WoW back in 2004? I remember back then when I could use a shield on my rogue, but they took them away for some reason I forget why lol, but I stopped playing Nov of 2006, JUST after they came out with cross-server PvP, and JUST before they were coming out with the very first expansion. I was pretty ticked off about the PvP thing they did since myself and quite a few of my guildies at the time were really having fun with the Titles thing for PvP but I've grown up since then. Smile Time to find a new family here and get some learning done and have fun and kick some ass, be it other players or NPC PvE ass kicking. Any questions, please ask me anytime.
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Guild Master
Guild Master

Joined: Mar 17, 2005
Posts: 4597
Location: Baltimore, MD

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:48 pm Reply with quote


Please sent a whisper to an officer for an invite.

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