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Scalebane - An Alliance Guild on Eredar: Forums

Scalebane - A WoW Alliance Guild on Eredar :: View topic - Arcane Mage - Jinxey

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PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:03 am Reply with quote

1. What is the name of your main as well as level and class?
Jinxey - 110 Arcane Mage

2. What is your age?

3. What guilds have you been with in the past, and why did you leave them? Please provide as much detail as necessary.
Prodigy, Almost Heroes. GM of Prodigy through MC and ZG in vanilla. Moved to a casual guild. Casual guildies transferred to a high pop pve server. Been on Eredar forever and kind of want to stick it out until the server is shut down. Moving off of Almost Heroes as being without guildies is soul crushing.

4. Do you have any friends currently in Scalebane? If so, who & how do you know them? (Family, real life friend, etc.)

5. What best describes you now that you're level 100 (or once you are 100)?
A. I like to socialize, mess around, or whatever I'm in the mood for that day.

I've got solid raid experience but life is busy so I can't commit to anything at the moment. I'm geared and competent enough to fill spots in heroic or M+. Looking to contribute in other meaningful ways.

6. Are you interested in guild raiding content? If so, what are your preferred roles?

7. What role do you wish to perform while raiding? (Healer, Tank, DPS). Are you able to perform other roles if needed?
DPS and unless a fight like Gruul comes back raid teams frown on my mage tank Sad

8. Can you give us a brief summary of what your armor & weapons are like or provide a link to your armory page?
(armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/eredar/jinxey)
Running a pretty standard arcane mage gear preference - Mastery -> Crit -> Haste.

Where I start deviating from the norm is a preference of AM procs over AB/AE spam. This is showcased with my desire for etheral sensitivity relics and nether tempest over erosion. I probably don't have the proper gear for this setup to be truly ideal, but the variance isn't that high and I find it to be a lot more versatile as a pug raider (fills out AoE and single target equally well)

9. Can you describe what raiding experience you have? Are you familiar with current content?
Been through heroic EN, LFR Trials, normal NH. All pugs.

10. What made you want to apply to Scalebane?
Player size and how long you guys have been alive. Think you're one of the few OG guilds left from vanilla.

11. Do you have any friends or family that will apply to Scalebane if you are recruited?

12. Are you currently applying to other guilds?

13. Are there any situations in the past that may affect your reputation that you would like to explain?

14. Are you the only one who plays your character?

15. Finally, tell us a little about yourself. We're first and foremost a guild about people, People > Loot.
Self reliant and good natured.

Been playing since vanilla and still love the game. Have a competitive drive so I show up to raids prepared (food, flasks, enchants, gems). Love being helpful and exploring weird non-meta builds with fellow theory crafters.

It's been a few expansions since I was part of an active guild, and people are important, so I'm looking to get back into the social side of the MMO.
Guild Master
Guild Master

Joined: Mar 17, 2005
Posts: 4597
Location: Baltimore, MD

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:03 pm Reply with quote

Always happy to have more old school Eredar folks in the guild.

Recruited. Send a whisper to an officer for an invite.

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