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Scalebane - A WoW Alliance Guild on Eredar :: View topic - Bleakwolf-Recruitment

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Joined: Aug 18, 2016
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:28 pm Reply with quote

1. What is the name of your main as well as level and class?
Biancesta-Terokkar Paladin lvl 100 / Canoso my druid http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/terokkar/Canoso/simple
2. What is your age?
Over 18, under 30.
3. What guilds have you been with in the past, and why did you leave them? Please provide as much detail as necessary.
I am an ex-officer of the Wildstar guild http://darkuni0nwildstar.shivtr.com/ The GM left one day and we eventually merged with another guild.
4. Do you have any friends currently in Scalebane? If so, who & how do you know them? (Family, real life friend, etc.)
I do not.
5. What best describes you now that you're level 100 (or once you are 100)?
Everything but pvp. A, B, E (Dailies/quest stories)

6. Are you interested in guild raiding content? If so, what are your preferred roles?
Yes I am interested in guild raiding. I prefer tanking and damage dealing. I can also handle healing, but not now.
7. What role do you wish to perform while raiding? (Healer, Tank, DPS). Are you able to perform other roles if needed?
Tanking and healing.
8. Can you give us a brief summary of what your armor & weapons are like or provide a link to your armory page?
Biancesta is ilvl 640, but do to the invasion can easily get the Fel armor.
9. Can you describe what raiding experience you have? Are you familiar with current content?
My first max level raid was Naxxramas as a Unholy Death Knight tank. Did some Ulduar with mage/feral druid up to Fourth boss. Some LFR during Cataclsym and Normal mode Cho'Gall if I remember. In Wildstar I was the main tank for Genetic Archives Progression, and have join a few Datascape groups, seeing all the fights except Avatus (Last boss 15+ minute fight).
10. What made you want to apply to Scalebane?
I liked the name.
11. Do you have any friends or family that will apply to Scalebane if you are recruited?
Any family I have will probably not return to Azeroth.
12. Are you currently applying to other guilds?
13. Are there any situations in the past that may affect your reputation that you would like to explain?
14. Are you the only one who plays your character?
15. Finally, tell us a little about yourself. We're first and foremost a guild about people, People > Loot.
Burning Crusade/Wrath baby. Never hit max level during BC as I shared an account with my parent/her SO. My mom was a Karazhan hunter raider and never got her bow. Eventually all three of us got our own separate accounts required my mom's SO and myself to start over. The SO started a warlock and I started a few different characters which I have all mained in different forms. Eventually having my Death Knight be my first max level character and I tanked with unholy doing all the of heroics before Ulduar came out. Switched to feral druid and mage and rogue and eventually a holy paladin for the Icecrown Five mans. Experienced some of Icecrown up to Deathbringer Saurfang.
In 2012 during Pandaria I quit the game do to real life responsibilities. Only experiencing level 90 questing and the odd normal dungeon and a LFR with trolls in it, the ingame kind not the trade channel kind.
With Legion on the horizon it looks like a nice time to jump back in. I level my druid and warrior to 100 with some invasions/warlords questing, but will be maining the paladin.
I have played Rift, and Guild Wars 2. Then Eventually Wildstar f2p. I joined Dark uni0n and we started raiding in Late October and quickly cleaned up Genetic Archives. Having Tanked, Damage, and Healing the fights. I became really good at Frog Convergence and very poor still on Phagemaw. I have yet to tank in a Datascape group, but have been damage for most of the fights.

Thanks for reading,
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Location: Washingtoooooon

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:53 pm Reply with quote

Hi Bleakwolf!

Thank you so much for your interest in Scalebane. I'm glad you like our name so much!

We are currently closing recruiting until we see what our raid group is shaping up to be in Legion.

Please feel free to reapply in the future!


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